Manoel Marchetti, seeking for the best for its customers, takes in its products range the best doors concept: the Alamo Pre Hung Doors. Between lots of advantages, the Alamo Pre Hung provides to your Project: labor reduction for installing, better quality on set assembling, reducing waste, standard and harmonic architecture.
Composed by door leaf (flush, decorative, solid or semisolid), adjustable frames and architraves, made of MDF Ultra and PUR glue, both water resistant, the Pre Hung gets hardware carefully installed (hinges and lock), after controled levels of workmanship in CNC equipments giving trust, precision and quality to the product.
The Alamo Pre Hung Doors reach the santards of NBR 15930:2 that is the door segment rule and the first standard published according to the performance criteria estabilished on NBR 15.575. The Alamo Pre Hung Doors, sinonimous of quality and trust.

ADJUSTABLE FRAMESProduct developed to make door intalling process easyer, due to architraves may adapt to the wall irregularities. Another product with the guarantee of Manoel Marchetti. Available in wooden veneers and melamine.
WARRANTYTo your safe and tranquility, the Alamo Pre Hung Doors have 05 years of warranty provided that the warehousing and installing conditions are followed.